You are here: Revised Table Definitions

Revised Table Definitions

For review, revised table descriptions and field name notes for the following tables:


Using this standard

Field Type Notes
TEMPLATE for Notes  


How to fill in field – Multi--- and/or Use this or that

HOW Used / represents / calculates / evaluates / mask / etc

Example via IE: or Allowed Values:

Explanation of example

mrnumgenerationroutine varchar(50)

Automatically generates an MRN number on the patient data screen.

Use Rhodes recommended value.

Typical value: ALPHA4NUMBER

blockmrlength varchar(80)

Multidimensional pipe delimited valueMethod which allows entry of multiple values in a field. Values are separated by the pipe character -- | In addition a leading, or starting, and trailing, or ending pipe is required. For example the string |A|B|C|D| provides the values A, B, C and D to the system., with leading and trailing pipes.

Enter integers separated by pipes.

Each number represents a MRN entry length that is NOT supported by the system.

IE: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|9|10|11|12|13|14|

In this example, the MRN entry must be either 8 characters long or longer than 14 characters.